Color is such a huge part of our lives. It is an inspiration for our artwork and crafting. From an early age the children have adopted colors as their very own. For Samantha, yellow and red have always been incorporated into her clothing choices and drawings. As for Jasper, if you were to ask him what his favorite colors are, he would enthusiastically say, "orange, orange and orange". On this day, it just so happened that Stephanie, Jasper and Lucy all wore the same color and Jasper, of course, was the first one to notice. How beautiful are the many shades of brown each with their own texture and richness. Color so warm and bold leaving me thinking, "hot cocoa anyone?"
::Jasper's favorite things that are brown::
1. a brown dog 2. his shoes 3. our baby kitty, Lucy 4. black beans
::Samantha's favorite things that are brown::
1. mud pies 2. Dad's brown pants 3. a seed pod 4. tamari sauce
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