Sunday, December 16, 2007

deep concentration

Wow! Daytime pictures. The last couple of posts you would think I was taking pictures by candlelight as I am deeply opposed to using a flash unless absolutely necessary. I just think that natural light gives your photo dimension. I love to feel like I can reach into a photograph and touch its contents. A beautiful photo with shadows and irresistible, touchable texture.

Just after sunrise, when the brilliant light was inviting us into the art room, we began Jasper's gifts for his classmates. This is something that we had attempted before when Samantha and Jasper were much younger. As I remember, there was not much interest so when I thought of painting these little people again, I really didn't know what I was in for.

Boy, was I thrilled to see how excited the children were when they saw these little guys . Their concentration was intense as they painted one head of hair after another, each with their own unique hairstyle. Jasper was into the receding hairline look while Samantha painted sophisticated bobs with heavy bangs. As their masterpieces dried, we all picked out fabric and rick rack for clothes and scoured the house for acorn hats. Through the top of the acorn, I threaded golden floss so that each little person could be hung as an ornament. Jasper is beyond excited about his gifts. Oh, just think of the fun adventures these little people will have with their new families.

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