Friday, February 1, 2008

Think Like a Tree

Soak up the sun

affirm life's magic

be graceful in the wind

stand tall after a storm

feel refreshed after it rains

grow strong without notice

be prepared for each season

provide shelter to strangers

hang tough through a cold spell

emerge renewed at the first signs of spring

stay deeply rooted while reaching for the sky

be still long enough to hear your own leaves rustling.

 ~Karen Shragg

Have a lovely weekend.

See you back here on Monday, if not sooner.


Anonymous said...

Oh to see the joy on Jasper's face!

What joy you bring Mama!

Julie, Lee, Noah and Neve Machen said...

So beautiful. What a badge to wear and share.

We will light a special candle for your family tomorrow night as we celebrate Candlemas.

Anonymous said...

Every time I come to your blog I find such delight! The embroidery on his pants is so sweet and pretty.