Monday, January 7, 2008

squirrel-ly behavior

I truly enjoy starting off the week having had a restful and productive weekend. This weekend proved to be both of those. Not only did we all sleep in both days, we accomplished a lion of a task that had been on my mind for weeks. I love simplicity and in my realm, everything has it's place. When things begin to pile up around me, it is time to purge the house. That is just what we did...

Samantha and Jasper, however, don't share my need for tidiness. They are in fact rather squirrelish in nature; always looking for that treasure and then hiding it away. Dresser drawers will be stuffed full of fabric pieces, chestnuts, fairy kisses and beeswax figures. Closets will house random puzzle pieces and fiddlestick creations. Don't get me wrong, I love to see them collect and create but there comes a time when some of those things need to find a new home.

It just so happens that Jasper is the squirrel in his nursery class (each child was assigned an animal in September). I don't know if this was purely coincidence or rather his squirrel like behaviors landed him the role. In either case, Jasper plays his part with great dedication and pride. Most of what I make for him these days will have a squirrel somewhere on it. I made these pants last night and I knew that his love for them would increase ten fold with a little added squirrel-ly fun.

As with his lunch basket; an embroidered squirrel made our thrifted find much more inviting and personal. Jasper was so excited to take this to school on the first day.

We even have become avid squirrel watchers in the past few months. This is a sign that had us all hysterically laughing. Some days we go out of our way just to drive by it.

It seems that no matter where we are or what we are doing, something squirrel related creeps up on us. This squirrel was handmade by local artist Stephanie Barnes. It was love at first sight!! We named him Silverton, perched him on a shelf and found him a light snack of acorns.

So, yes we have a squirrel fetish going on right now that I'm sure will last right up to the day that Jasper enters kindergarten. Until then, I am embracing this phase with much love and patience and look forward to those purging moments!!

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